Investment platform

The investment system with artificial intelligence functionality (not chatGPT, but a specially trained model from scratch) that matches the appropriate companies with the fitting investors.

Zapal cover for NDA cases



Роки співпраці

2019 - 2022



Тип проєкту

Software development


Software development


React, Next.js 12, TS, Python, Django, TensorFlow, Elasticsearch, AWS

Переглянути проєкт

As an IT-outsourcing company, we have several projects that we've developed, still cannot disclose about it in public.
Or how it is said “under NDA”.

Yet, we wanted to share with you so much WHAT are these projects from the tech side of their creation.
Thus, we decided to tell you just about our experience of development of these projects, the specific features and complexity of these projects' implementation.

Soon, we'll share all the details about tech stack, functionalities and all the other staff about this project of a FinTech domain.

Stay tuned!

Досягни успіху разом з Zapal

Kristina Nadiryan

Крістіна Надірян

Керівниця з розвитку бізнесу

Бачу, що тебе вразив кейс нашої команди. Ми готові робити перші кроки до твого блискавичного проєкту вже сьогодні. А ти?

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